Wasm bindgen is an absolute nightmare of auto-generated function names. From a purely performance/functionality perspective it works but it’s hella ugly. I hope some alternative arrives at some point.
Wasm bindgen is an absolute nightmare of auto-generated function names. From a purely performance/functionality perspective it works but it’s hella ugly. I hope some alternative arrives at some point.
Not to mention, if you accelerate your spacecraft to a speed faster than the minimum speed needed to raise your orbit as far as mars, you’re going to have to slow down by the difference between your speed and that min speed when you go for a landing anyways.
The pace of the orbits alone decides how quickly your spacecraft will get there.
So does old reddit but its also the only version of the site I find usable. UX people can have absurdly lopsided priorities.
I take it you’re not a fan of the borrow rules?
Would you rather manage your memory yourself, or would you rather use a language with a runtime?
Those are your only 2 remaining options for managing memory if you exclude rust-like reference constraints.