RealDebrid is going to shut down their API, FYI. I’d check out TorBox.
I’s a great way to download Linux ISOs.
RealDebrid is going to shut down their API, FYI. I’d check out TorBox.
I’s a great way to download Linux ISOs.
BSD is based on the original UNIX code, and macOS’s kernel is based on FreeBSD specifically. Linux, however, is a clone of UNIX, and therefore “UNIX-like”, as you mentioned, but BSD is actual UNIX.
The various BSDs aren’t UNIX certified?
Alternatively: WSL
To be fair, both Ghandi and MLK Jr. showed that there is an alternative to violence that can be very effective in gaining support.
That being said, I do think the Black Panthers/Malcom X were very instrumental in the civil rights movement. I think the leadership saw two options: work with MLK Jr. or deal with the Black Panthers.
Of course, the FBI, amongst other groups in power at the time were able to successfully thwart MLK Jr.'s attempt at educating people about class consciousness. MLK Jr. wasn’t just fighting for equal rights among racial lines, but also economic lines.
Hell, Jesus Christ was able to start an entire religion based in nonviolent protest based around class consciousness. Of course, that religion has since been perverted, but the point still stands.
Unfortunately, they miscalculated and thought that single threaded performance (specifically higher clock speeds) would continue to advance at the same pace as it has been before the release of Crysis, but what ended up happening instead is more focus on multithreading by releasing CPUs with more cores with smaller IPC improvements comparitively.
IPC improvements were obviously still a thing, but it took a while for hardware to be able to run Crysis maxed out at good framerates.
Yeah, just having this panel alone is perfect
It’s just what they officially announced. The workarounds to work fine for now, but who knows how long?
The workarounds are just for detecting what is cached or not, but if the API shuts down, then you will not be able to interact with RD using apps, similar to how the Reddit API closure did the same thing.