Yeah, Trump as well. He’s not competent enough to get to the next step.
u/nexusband on Reddit
Yeah, Trump as well. He’s not competent enough to get to the next step.
The NSDAP relied on the appeal of Adolf Hitler and advertised with the effective slogan “Work and bread”. It announced an immediate economic program and job creation measures. The SPD demanded a fundamental restructuring of the economy through nationalization and neglected the demand for job creation.
Hitler was the face of the NSDAP, most Voters believed him and specifically voted for the NSDAP.
Meanwhile, Schacht’s administration achieved a rapid decline in the unemployment rate, the largest of any country during the Great Depression. By 1938, unemployment was practically extinct. Price controls kept inflation in check but also squeezed out small farmers. The government also introduced rent and wage controls.
The Great Depression had spurred increased state ownership in most Western capitalist countries. This also took place in Germany during the last years of the Weimar Republic. However, after the Nazis took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized. The Nazi government took the stance that enterprises should be in private hands wherever possible. State ownership was to be avoided unless it was absolutely necessary for rearmament or the war effort, and even in those cases “the Reich often insisted on the inclusion in the contract of an option clause according to which the private firm operating the plant was entitled to purchase it.”
A very large portion of Germany was quite happy, going along between 1930 and 1938, simply because of the fact that they had a better life - looking the other way as your Jewish neighbour was deported (or worse) was a necessary evil for a very large portion. Giving up most worker rights as well.
Between 1920 and 1930 Germany was no where near the most powerful country in Europe. Unemployment was the highest in Europe and things were quite bad even before the 1928 crash. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_history_of_Germany#Early_20th_century
Meanwhile, Schacht’s administration achieved a rapid decline in the unemployment rate, the largest of any country during the Great Depression. By 1938, unemployment was practically extinct. Price controls kept inflation in check but also squeezed out small farmers. The government also introduced rent and wage controls.
I mean, in theory, this could be used by the Democrats as well and fight back with…
On a side note: Those Hitler comparisons are stupid, imho as a German. Hitler and his entire staff was actually quite competent and benefited the German people - Trump and his cronies are basically just corrupt and don’t think further than their own nose points. They also don’t help the American people in any way - quite the contrary… Doesn’t make them any less dangerous, but Hitler got nearly 80% of votes in fair elections back then…Trump cheated and heavily used voter suppression, so that’s also very different.
That’s some thorough analysis, holy cow…
According to Goldberg’s account of Baker and Glasser’s reporting, Kelly responded by explaining to Trump that the German generals “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off,” but Trump reportedly was not swayed by the correction.
Hitler “fended” off 23 assassination attempts. And with all his gutting of utterly everything, i highly doubt the Secret Service will be competent enough to actually fend off any serious attempts, let alone various other things threats.
Specifically as a German, i can only tell you: Trump is as far away from Hitler as Washington from Berlin. Sure, Trumps clearly fascist, but at best he’s Temus Version of Hitler. Remember, Hitler was quite competent in various things and actually listened to his staff in the beginning. Not only that, Göring, the Gestapo and various other members were intelligent and had some serious education. There were many, many People you probably never heard of that helped Hitler in many ways. While some of us question the necessity of learning this stuff, it is still taught in schools and while i have to admit to have forgotten the Details, Himmler, Göring, Heidrich, Heß and Wiedemann are just 5 people in the spotlight. Trump’s MAGAts are dangerous no doubt and they are going to wreck basically everything. But let’s be honest…they aren’t competent, they don’t know shit except “destroying” stuff. But they will go down with the destruction.
Hitler actually did stuff for the People, that’s why most Germans did go along and you have to remember, Germany was basically on it’s knees and grasped for straws. The issue(s) in the U.S. right now are very different - but most people still do very well, especially since Biden did one hell of an impossible job. However, the gap between the “well off” and the “fucked” is going to grow wider and Trump and his incompetent bunch can still use it to basically tear down any and all civil rights because there are not enough people paying any attention. Germans did pay attention back then and they desperately wanted change. Not to mention, Hitler had a lot of help from inside the Weimarer Republic.
I don’t want to downplay this, but the parallels are currently still limited to politics and some unpleasant side effects that restrict the freedom of individuals, but do not have many effects on the whole. So if Trump declares Martial Law, i think he’s not going to last long after that - because by that point, things will have deteriorated far enough, that enough people will care and take action. Unfortunately this will have very ugly side effects for all of you and probably the rest of the world and may even be civilization ending…
Hitler had over 20 assassination attempts. Real ones. Compared to Trump, Hitler was on the battlefield in a WW and not a draft dodger. Hitler didn’t just built a cult, he built the entire ideology on actual values and not gaslighting everything and everyone. While on the surface all of this is comparable to the Nazis, MAGA is so gullible, a squirrel could do what Trump does.
So yeah - Vance will probably do exactly that. And it may actually work