Just an ordinary myopic internet enjoyer.

Can also be found at lemmy.dbzer0, lemmy.world and Kbin.social.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I bet the views of the Alps are majestic from there!

    And yeah! I imagine the trip would be so much fun (though a bit exhausting). It’d be combining two of the things that fascinate me: mountains and trains.

    I sometimes fantasize going from the northern tip of Scotland all the way to Singapore on a train. Not non-stop, of course, but maybe going from one city to another, spending some time on a city until I get my fill, and then hop on the train to the next one. All the way until I run out of land. Maybe from there (Singapore), I can do island-hopping across Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Then road trip in Australia. But that’s really stretching it, not just in terms of logistics and planning. At the pace I do things, do I really want to spend like five years crawling through Europe, Asia, and Australia? Even if money’s no object, I don’t think I can do that.

    Sorry for the ramble. Given the scope of the question, yeah, a cross-Europe mountain train trip is perhaps my limit (that’d be like, two weeks? maybe a month if I take my time to really enjoy each place I visit?)

  • I’ve bounced around several clients (mobile) and frontends (web) especially when I first started. I’ve eventually settled on Voyager (mobile) and Alexandrite (web frontend).

    Voyager has a lot of neat features that makes browsing Lemmy on mobile smooth and an overall nice experience. It’s got swipe gestures (configurable, but mine has long swipe left to upvote, long swipe left to save, short swipe right to downvote, and long swipe right to reply). There’s also a feature to tag a user, and to keep track of votes (in aggregate, so I wouldn’t know if I give a user an upvote in one thread, and a downvote in another, yielding a net zero, or I just haven’t given that user a vote at all). Still a nice set of features. There might be more that I have yet to discover and use.

    Alexandrite, on the other hand, presents a really good desktop experience. There’s an option to have the posts (on my feed, or a community) on the left side of the screen and the post I’m reading on the right, which is great if I am just scanning a my feed, deciding if I want to take a closer look at a post. I end up mostly just using this mode most of the time.

    Both Voyager and Alexandrite allow me to switch between my Lemmy accounts easily, which is a great plus if you’re having a handful of accounts (for different purposes, like one main, another for NSFW, etc).

    IMO, the clients (for mobile) have a lot of competition going on, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I find a different one I’d like better. Just keep an eye out for those, I guess?

  • In most urbanized areas, even in suburbs, you can buy daily necessities (food, personal hygiene, medicine, etc) in just a short walk. If in a subdivision, like in a suburb, there would be some houses with an attached corner store. Failing to find what you need there, a convenience store would be a bit further (either still inside the subdivision, or just out the gate).

    If you need to do your groceries, you can use public transport to the market. Even within subdivisions (with some exceptions, like those for the wealthy), there usually would be some form of public transport that could take you to the main highway, and from there, to the market.

    That’s just one that immediately came to mind upon reading the prompt. Not sure if there are others, but it’s the most striking to me, and one that I’ve taken for granted until hearing about the US’ suburbs.

  • If Google decides to go full rogue and ignore W3C specs entirely and make up a bunch of their own shit, that devs then start to use because why not since the majority of their userbase use a chromium based browser, then Firefox can easily be taken out.

    Which is basically the ending of the first browser wars, as far as I can remember. Internet Explorer had a little bit less market share than Google Chrome has nowadays, but still an overwhelming majority. Moreover, Internet Explorer had these IE-only tags and features, which further reinforced such things.

    But here we are. Yes, Google Chrome and Google has an overwhelming majority right now, but so was IE (thanks to Microsoft’s practices) back then. Google Chrome came at the right time with what people actually wanted at that time, and so was able to gain the upper hand, and eventually a chokehold.

    My response though is more about “keeping things alive for its users”, at least until such a breakthrough happens (maybe Servo has it?) or more pessimistically, until internet browsers fade away into obscurity (or perhaps just like IRC clients, it’s still a thing, right?)

  • I really hope that the forks coordinate for this to happen, soon, if not yesterday.

    Maybe a group that keeps track what is to be done if Firefox development stops or if Mozilla folds or somehow abandons Firefox. Things such as:

    • how to take over development from Mozilla
    • the minimum that needs to be done to keep up to the standards
    • the minimum that needs to be done to keep the (base) browser on par in performance with Chromium (and the others, such as Servo)
    • coordinate developers and other people involved in the project
    • manage donations and funding

    Maybe I’m imagining some sort of a cooperative formed by Firefox forks with the main aim of keeping Firefox alive despite of (or after) Mozilla.

  • As I am right now? Hell no!

    But there’d be a question gnawing at the back of my head: “If I am the chosen one, why?!” I’d probably hold on to that question as I try to do what I can to save the world. There must be a reason, right? There must be something that I can do.

    Moreover, if it’s known to everyone (or at least to the ones that are powerful enough to make a difference), I’d leverage that fact to have them do something. Like, “Yeah, the Chosen One needs you to be his companion” or some cheesy shit like that. And in that case, I’d probably end up more as someone inspiring (or pushing) others to save the world rather than the actual person saving the world (not that I believe any one person can, tbh).

  • Petty and minor, huh?

    • Dates are now YYYY-MM-DD (2025-02-25) for the short form, and dddd, YYYY mmmm DD (Tuesday, 2025 February 25) for the long form.

    • Time is now written in 24-hour notation (14:44:41)

    • The first paragraph in a section doesn’t have indentation, but all succeeding paragraphs do. For example:

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Vestibulum quis velit aliquet, accumsan eros id, tincidunt lorem.  Integer ac arcu elit.  Sed efficitur mi vitae viverra egestas.  Quisque sed varius nisi.  Vestibulum in cursus diam.  Ut pharetra quis nibh at semper.  Integer dictum leo eu velit condimentum, a varius mi tempor.  Sed at nunc lacinia, consequat eros sed, fringilla quam.  Proin pulvinar ante ac ipsum suscipit dictum.  In libero augue, tristique iaculis libero in, bibendum eleifend massa.  Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.  Suspendisse a risus non lacus pellentesque molestie congue non risus.  Quisque ut condimentum dui.
          Aenean dictum leo at commodo accumsan.  Vestibulum ullamcorper diam et arcu bibendum maximus.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Suspendisse porta libero sed nisi aliquam volutpat.  Nam rutrum, odio quis ultricies blandit, elit metus pulvinar diam, non condimentum tellus arcu sed eros.  Praesent nunc tellus, aliquam vitae leo sed, pellentesque placerat ex.  Aenean tincidunt libero magna, sed sagittis neque facilisis id.  Vivamus quis lectus nunc.
          Donec lacinia, dolor sed eleifend volutpat, massa dui elementum risus, congue sagittis tortor sem sed neque.  Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.  Pellentesque tempor risus arcu, a dapibus risus tristique in.  Ut sapien est, placerat ac lectus non, scelerisque feugiat nisi.  Nam nec luctus nibh.  Aenean id ultrices risus.  Phasellus magna enim, sodales sit amet nisi id, interdum interdum neque.  Sed scelerisque scelerisque lobortis.
    • There are two spaces after a full stop, except when occurring at the end of a paragraph where there should be none.

    • They will be used as a generic non-gendered pronoun and will be the default along with one. For example:

      • “Someone sent me an e-mail, but I am not sure they meant to send it to me.”
      • “Really, one should make sure the e-mail address is correct before sending an e-mail.”
    • Functions that are called in other functions will be declared before any function that calls them.

    • Functions should be around twenty lines long, and at most have three levels of nesting. Functions that are too long or have too much nesting should be revised and broken up into two or more functions.

    • Code indentation (tabs) should be set to four spaces.

    • Code will be formatted as follows.

      function (params) {
          // code

