Lvxferre [he/him]

The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • The spread of fish tapeworm due to Roman conquest is well documented, and the only good explanation is garum. And I believe that larval cysts can survive pretty rough conditions, including high salinity.

    The “right” way to get rid of them would be by heat, but you can’t simply use cooked fish to make garum, it denatures the proteins required for the fish flesh to decompose “the right way”.

    But the most concerning part isn’t even the parasites you’re ingesting directly from garum. Sure, they’ll get into your belly, and you’ll become their definitive host. The problem is its offspring being literally shitted onto the soil, in a time where proper sanitation was non-existent; once you ingest their eggs, you’re taking the role of the intermediate host, and they’ll nest themselves across your flesh and brain.

  • History and Archaeology Online has some great introductory info.

    Odds are that you won’t find leftovers of those factories / workshops in the ruins of either Herculaneum or Pompeii though. Garum wasn’t prepared in urban centres, as there were laws against it. (Garum production stinks really, really bad.) Instead it was prepared nearby, in areas with low demographic density, and then sent to the city for distribution.

    And the region around Pompeii was great for that - it’s coastal so you have access to fish, it’s really sunny and garum fermentation is made under sunlight, and it’s close enough to Rome to make travel times short.

    The text I’ve linked mentions it, but 30% of the garum production of Pompeii and the surrounding region (Campania) was owned by a single guy, called Aulus Umbricius Scarus. He lived in Pompeii, got killed by the Vesuvius eruption, and his house has been identified.

  • The usual: booze, games, cooking, gardening, anime.

    This time I bought some Patagonia beers. I’m not a heavy beer drinker, but they’re great. One can of each type (Pilsener to share with my mum, IPA, and an amber lager). It’s 4AM and I’m seriously considering to crack the IPA open, I love it!

    Games-wise it’s going to be Leaf Blower Revolution. I’m still farming witches and crafting leaves. (This sounds weird, I know.) I’ll probably also play some Oxygen not Included, I bought the Frosty Planet DLC a time ago and I didn’t play with it yet.

    Cooking-wise, dunno, but people always ask me to prepare some stuff. It’s typically homemade pizza. Typical flavours are

    • beef stroganoff - because my nephew loves it
    • five cheeses - moz’, Parm’, provolone, ricotta, gorgonzola
    • pepperoni - all times favourite. Made with 100% fake pepperoni made by slicing “Calabrian” sausages, coating them with paprika, and pan-frying them. I did this initially as a hack but people liked it better than the ones using actual pepperoni sausages
    • “whatever I found in the fridge” + “whatever my BIL brought as filling”. Those typically include eggs, bacon, sweet corn, peas, onions, olives, stuff like this.

    Gardening is… well. I need to plant some new cacti I bought for my cactus garden, plus check outside for hail damage - yesterday [Thursday] evening it hailed really bad. I’m worried the most about my kale and pepper plants (the tree pepper is probably OK, but the bishop’s crown and ladyfinger are probably damaged). Malena (my Sicilian / rangpur tree) and the kumquat probably liked it.

    Anime-wise I’m re-watching the series Log Horizon. It’s really good; I heavily recommend it for people who like “trapped in a game” style isekai series. I’ll probably also watch a few series airing this season: Dr. Stone, Re:ZERO, Hazure Skill “Kinomi Master”, Unnamed Memory…

    …you know what, I’m cracking the IPA open right now.

  • Do you mean this one?

    If yes: that FAQ is a good start, but it’s mostly help for people already registered. I was thinking on something to clarify how Lemmy works for people who are considering to register on it. Stuff like:

    • What is federation and why should I care?
    • Decentrawhat?
    • [as in the OP] where do we meet?
    • How do I contact people in different servers?
    • waah tankies pls fix
    • etc.

    If there’s something already in this direction we could/should advertise it a bit more, and if it doesn’t I’m seriously considering to start it.

  • Even the etymological family is a mess. They all backtrack to Latin caulis stalk, stem, cabbage stem; but even in closely related language varieties they might mean different plant varieties, like

    • Galician, general - col wild kale/cabbage/whatever, collards
    • Galician, south - couva~couve kale
    • Portuguese - couve kale
    • Spanish - col cabbage

    …and of course people had to reborrow the word from Latin to refer to stems in general, to make the thing even messier. (e.g. PT “caule” stem)