My bad sorry should have thought about making an official matrix account and testing there. Based off of what I can tell my ntfy container is working because it works flawlessly with an official matrix account.
That leaves me with two ideas so far, there is something wrong with matrix dendrite container, or my vps coturn server (which I forgot to mention). It looks like traffic is coming through just fine on my co turn server though. I am curious if this is a firewall issue with my co turn server. That would make the most sense given that element call is also not working on element x.
It’s weird though because calling works on seperate networks just fine so I had assumed that my co turn server just worked. Odd.
Edit: I think it is the turn server even though my calls are going through. I went to my maytrix url with “/_matrix/client/r0/voip/turnServer” to diagnose webrtc and it says “errcode: ‘M_MISSING_TOKEN’” "error: ‘missing access token’ "
Is this within a config file for ntfy? When I access it through local host it tells me it needs to be accessed through https. Which I setup through cloudflare tunnels and the error went away.
There was no config file generated for my docker container for ntfy.
Edit: I have fixed this error but notifications still do not work.
I was able to get it working with this docker compose!! Thank you!
I can now sign inyo element x and schildi next! The only problem is none of my chats are showing up and when I create a new room it dissapears as soon as I back out into the chats tab.
Any idea on how to fix it? Do I need a seperate sub domain for the sliding sync proxy?
I am using cloudflare tunnels as of right now. I would be very appreciative if I could take a look at your settings!
Wow this is one of the most pathetic comments I have ever seen.
“If you haven’t figured out how to enjoy the game in two attempts, get fucked buddy! That’s your fault for attempting to explore avenues if enjoyment! You need to do it my way, or face the consequences of payment!”
I don’t know how we got to not just complacency in these predatory practices, but outright defending them too.
Pretty soon you’ll be asking the company to directly shit in your mouth rather than present it on a plate.