Even if I knew what that is, I doubt I could do it on my phone, but I appreciate your contribution to the shitpost request chain.
Even if I knew what that is, I doubt I could do it on my phone, but I appreciate your contribution to the shitpost request chain.
Even in the best-intentioned recommender system, trained on the content you watch to estimate what you’re interested in and recommend similar things, that would be the drift of things. You can’t really mathematically judge the emotions the viewers might feel unless they express them in a measurable way, so observing their behaviour and recommending similar by whatever heuristic. And if they keep clicking on rageposts, that’s what the system has to go on.
But at least giving the explicit indication “I don’t want to see this” should be heavily weighted in that calculation. Just straight up ignoring that is an extra layer of awful.
Thanks, I hate it
Hallucinations imply a sense of “normal” or “reasonable” or at least “real” in the first place. LLMs have no concept of that.
I prefer to phrase it as “you get made-up results that are less convincingly made-up than the test”
You’d think a recommendation algorithm should take your preferences into account - that’s the whole justification for tracking your usage in the first place: recommending relevant content for you…
given free eggs to everyone
I’m torn between “big poultry”, “commie” and vegan jokes here.
“He’s just trying to get us all addicted to eggs”
“There’s no such thing as free eggs, bloody commies”
“Eggs? So much for the libs and their veganism”
Glad to make you laugh :)