Grab stuff from the internet archive, copies of shows, movies, and music. Anytime you catch yourself streaming something, download it instead.
Grab stuff from the internet archive, copies of shows, movies, and music. Anytime you catch yourself streaming something, download it instead.
Are you saying that genocide is good or forgetting that Democrats wanted to continue funding it?
Monofilament wire is a real thing, it just doesn’t have the tensile strength to act like it does in fiction.
Every accusation is an admission.
Make friends, get organized, have a plan.
It’s literally illegal to say more. Don’t talk about it online or within earshot of “smart” devices.
No, I expected someone to be an actual change candidate after they finally convinced Biden to drop out.
Instead they just replaced Biden with a lady-Biden.
Blaming the voters instead of the politicians is the same thing as making excuses for the politicians.
Another article said it had 6.6 times earth’s mass, and now I’m really curious about the diameter and atmospheric composition. It sounds like it’d be a big Venus that alternates between freezing and boiling.