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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2024


  • You can fuck off with the “no one cared about the holocaust” bullshit.

    My Oma’s family sheltered a jewish family during WW2 during Nazi occupation.

    They didn’t know precisely what was happening, just that jewish people were being targeted and vanishing anywhere the Nazis controlled. A jewish family that was friends with her dad mostly fled to the US, but one man(a lawyer if memory serves) and the elderly mother stayed behind as she was deemed too sick to survive the trip. Her parents put them up.

    Shortly after they were betrayed (by a starving neighbor desperate for rations who questioned why a healthy family of three had daily house calls from a doctor.)

    A local industry (owned by a friend of the lawyer) stepped out and tried to get everyone including the jewish people, released from Nazi custody in return for the company relenting to Nazi pressure and helping them.

    The Nazis released all of the non-jewish people, including my great-grandfather. The business changed their output slightly so that it wouldn’t be noticed that the pipes were sigificantly weaker than they should be.