It had to leave some place free on its right for the cops.
It had to leave some place free on its right for the cops.
It was a nod to the personhood from conception pro-birth argument. But since now Americans get their legal sex assigned at conception, I guess they are all non-binary.
It’s almost like biases and discrimination lead to bad decisions and putting the effort to address them lead to better decisions or something. /S
Nazi Germany didn’t try to get rid of just the Jewish people, it didn’t even start with them. They were sending LGBT people, homeless people, Roma people, left-wing opponents, and even Jehovah Witnesses to concentration camps well before they started rounding up the Jewish people.
A good example of this is the Rosenstraße Protest. Nazi Germany was unable to deal with popular pushback at height of Hitler’s totalitarian power at the literal center of repression.
Myanmar’s military regime had the best grip possible on the armed forces by basically making a separate caste to avoid having the soldiers having second thoughts about shooting at their own families.
The grifters don’t like competition?
As social democratic hardcore atheist I’m not conflicted at all. Places of reflection (including places of worship), learning, and recovery, shouldn’t be casually defiled by violence including law enforcement.
There are valid exceptions, where the necessity of protecting human dignity (in the philosophical sense) is paramount, but they should remain exceptions.
The senator for North Mexico needs to stop being such a snowflake.
And here I thought they would respect the conservative values like sanctuary /s
It depends how you use the moment. I like Die Zeit’s article about it (in German, paywall can be bypassed with archive websites). They use it as on opportunity to discuss the context where it was made - an extreme right political event - and expose how mainstream media has helped normalizing nazi symbology by amplifying the gaslighting.
May they get everything they deserve and more so they can be the vaccine for the next generations’ minds.
I wonder if they are ok with people pirating games as long as they still value Nintendo’s investment. /s
Oh look, more evidence that the paleo diet is bullshit at all levels