The whole milk is really making this plausible Facts/Nutrient Content.htm
Probably live for years and years. Milk is sufficient for a baby to grow up after all.
The cereal is probably going to make the milk less healthy then milk alone. Carbs, and anti nutrients, and fibre - reducing how much nutrition you can absorb from the milk
RCTs measuring CVD biomarkers also pretty consistently show that reducing meat consumption, especially red meat, decreases well-established CVD biomarkers, so, if these results combined don’t convince you, what results would convince you?
May I see these RCTs please? What do you consider a CVD biomarker? Not LDL hopefully. CAC scores, insulin resistance, or all cause mortality please.
then it’s pretty clear that eating ASF in large amounts is suboptimal.
I do not agree with this, a abundance of weak observational studies do not make causation. But the point of this discussion isn’t to get us to agree, just to indicate that people well versed in the literature and looking at the evidence strength would not agree that the evidence is overwhelming… which is to say there has not been a casual link established.
claim that “science against meat is inconclusive” is overselling it.
In brief, the data linking fat to cancer risk are inconsistent, incomplete, and unreliable.
The most consistent (albeit weak) associations between cancer risk and fat have been found over the years in observational studies looking at red meat and the risk of colorectal cancer. However, two more recent, important papers published in Annals of Internal Medicine make the case that available evidence from randomized controlled trials and observational studies does not support recommendations to lower red meat intake for prevention of cancer or heart disease.
While the epidemiological studies reviewed by the committee suggest an association, other studies question the strength of the association.
large reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies, researchers have found inconsistent results. One very large meta-analysis found that the absolute effects of red meat on cancer risk are extremely low, with the certainty of evidence being low to very low.While some have shown no association of red meat and cancer risk, others have shown a positive association with gastric, esophageal, breast, and prostate cancer. Weak Protective 1 Weak Protective 2 Weak Positive 3 Weak Protective 4 Weak Protective 5
For those that did show an association, the hazard ratios were quite small, in the range of 1.06 to 1.4. In comparison, cigarette smoking has a hazard ratio greater than 20 for being associated with cancer. Therefore, although these observational studies can suggest an association between red meat and cancer, the very low hazard ratios weaken the assertion that red meat causes cancer.
I’m happy you have found a diet that works for you, I have not seen compelling non-observational evidence that ASF is dangerous, ESPECIALLY in the context of a low carbohydrate diet. I’m not trying to change your mind, but I wanted to illustrate that different reasonable people reading the literature can come to different conclusions.
1,2 totally agreed
when applied to argue against the efficacy of plant-based diets
I’m not making that claim
If what we care about is empirical health outcomes, we should look at health outcomes data rather than trying to replicate what our ancestors did in situations that were vastly different to the ones that we find ourselves in now.
shows increased risk of heart disease and cancer with increased red meat and processed meat consumption.
The science against meat is inconclusive
Personally I don’t have a opinion about what a adult should eat. Every person is navigating their own journey through health and life and needs to find what works for them. I only take issue with trying to limit people’s options on none causal observational data.
Better graph. The only data I’ve seen on modern brain size differences would be due to vitamin deficiencies.
This is a great paper, at a short (heh) 29 pages long, is a good overview. I put my paper notes over here:
The growth of brain size since Australopithecus might be due to a shift in diet away from the ape diets, I wonder what the cecum size was at that stage
We know! Look at that hockey stick in the last 2 million years!
It’s a massive difference… night and day
I use a sound mixer for my computer audio. So I have real faders to control discord, YouTube, games… It’s surprisingly great.
The temperature may not be as cool, but you don’t have the sun beating down on you. So the effect of experience is much more enjoyable
Sgp here: you do social activities at night when it’s cool.
During the day you stay hydrated, electrolytes, avoid the sun, if you must be in the sun cover yourself with a hat and long sleeves.
Acclimatization takes about 3 months, then you are more or less used to it.
Aldebaran’s great okay, Algol’s pretty neat, Betelgeuse’s pretty girls, Will knock you off your feet.
They’ll do anything you like, Real fast and then real slow, But if you have to take me apart to get me there, Then I don’t want to go.
Singing, take me apart, take me apart, What a way to roam. And if you have to take me apart to get me there, I’d rather stay at home.
Sirius is paved with gold, So I’ve heard it said, By nuts who then go on to say, “See Tau before you’re dead”,
I’ll gladly take the high road, Or even take the low, But if you have to take me apart to get me there, Then I for one won’t go.
Singing, take me apart, take me apart, You must be off your head, And if you try to take me apart to get me there, I’ll stay right here in bed.
I teleported home one night, With Ron and Sid and Meg. Ron stole Meggie’s heart away, And I got Sidney’s leg."
Probably not what they wanted, no.
About 1m estimated sales on steam, so probably 2m across all platforms, not bad - I wonder what her next project will be?