Its absolutely not illegal to send encrypted messages over 802.11 radio. I’m doing it now with this message.
Its absolutely not illegal to send encrypted messages over 802.11 radio. I’m doing it now with this message.
Pleas copy and paste the article in the comments this and next time too
Good news. Would be nice if we added a tax to prevent the price from coming down, and it forced some factory farms to shift to growing mushrooms or something not so harmful to the climate.
Genocide sometimes does work. He can literally imprison and force all trans and non binary folks to work in the Tesla tunnels until they die.
I thought he declared one sex?
We should build a statue of her and call it “Budde Bishop”
Did you even watch her speech? Sounds like not, which is a shame. Watch it. Its great.
This is a very routine thing that happens.
Fortunately we have alternatives to NASA, like Space X /s
“Do you see any black or latinos or women? Report them asap”
Isn’t that Harlan’s razor?
I dont think the gulf of Mexico has voters that live there and can object
How many estranged children has this fascist pumped out?
I dont understand. Didn’t Biden just pardon people for the future?
Then wouldn’t these Trump pardons also protect these people from the future?
It was a great speech. Highly recommend
You’re making assumptions.
Also, he wasn’t an idiot. He just didn’t have any prior experience or training as a Dev or in opsec.
Glen geeenwald is not an idiot and he was just as ignorant when Snowden tried to contact him.
Thats the only excuse (maybe) for any TV playing fox news
Why the fuck were they on that channel?
In other words you’re looking for a conservative instance? Fuck off, we ban them.