(same insult but said differently)
(same insult but said differently)
(extremely long critique about one irrelevant detail that you got slightly incorrect)
Thanks Negative Nancy. Not the point here tho.
Um it’s contextual? Does no ones get nuance anymore? But go ahead, keep looking at the world as black and white.
I don’t even know the Neil Gaimen issue itself, but there is a reason we have the phrase “witch trials”. From what I’m hearing, yes, it sounds like separate independently verifiable incidents and the likelihood is true. But to act like there has never been a case of false accusations against people in the past is being disingenuous yourself. Furthmore, you’re resorting to slinging insults and hyperbole more than you are facts and information.
In short: you’re both looking like clowns right now - could you knock it off? You’re not making either side look better.
People can only improve if we allow them to and give them the opportunity. You have the right mindset.
The moment you start thinking about prison in terms of punishment and who deserves worse, you’ve missed the mark. Rehabilitation should be the purpose. There’s a reason other countries have much lower recidivism rates and some of their prisons are like resorts. The point is to nourish the mind, soul, and body to make a BETTER person - not to continue the beatings until morale improves.
Interesting how the save now feature was broken until right up until the US election. Makes it easier to edit news articles on the fly without leaving a trail. Could be a motive for who was behind it - but I’m just speculating.
(implication that I had relations with your mother)