This is my takeaway
I finally kicked the Reddit monkey. Please forgive me.
This is my takeaway
The first part of what you said, contradicts itself, and the second part of what you said is a terrible metaphor. Especially considering that these web crawlers that crawl for AI training data only target that. And this specifically target AI training web crawlers.
So, it’s more like putting a very specific rat poison in the waterways that is only poisonous to rats.
It seems like you don’t understand how this works.
Actually, it does specifically target AI trainers, as it poisons their training data. These webcrawlers are just a means to an end.
It does, because it is poisoning AI training data.
I read this in his voice
“Rules for thee, not for me!”
It’s pretty sad that, instead of admitting you’re wrong, everyone else “must be a bot“. You’re being delusional is no excuse for being an awful person.
But I’m sure you’ll invent some lie to excuse yourself, just like any psychopath. I can block you, and I have. You’re the one who has to live with yourself, such as you are.
Be better
I dare tell you because I have observed the facts of the matter, and your bitterness and vindictiveness do not warrant forgiveness. Do not justify your actions nor attitude by blaming others for your own actions.
Don’t blame me for your own actions and behaviors. That is 100% your own consequence.
Bullies are always cowards. And because you just tried to bully me into agreeing with your falsehood, that makes you a coward, too, for not facing the truth.
That is your burden to bear, as long as you choose to. And I am in no way at fault or to blame for your decisions nor actions.
It’s up to you to choose to do better. Or you can choose to blame everyone else for your own actions.
Either way, here we are.
Be better
Exactly. There was a cost/benefit analysis, and they, at least for now, decided not to piss off the LGBTQ community. But that could change as soon as something else becomes more profitable.
Their decisions are not based on any sort of ethics or morality. Purely, instead, on what is most profitable and most risk adverse.
And thus is the cornerstone, the only cornerstone, of rainbow capitalism.
The term “Fairweather friends“ cannot possibly do this situation justice.
Edit: for what it’s worth, I could never have been more proud than to know, at this time, the LGBTQ community holds enough clout to have any influence on anything, let alone this much influence. We should not waste it, nor this opportunity. The coming months and years will be critical for our survival.
And there’s the rub— when civil rights are left to corporations, they will only exist as long as they’re the most profitable option.
IMO, this is a fluke to be wary of, not really any kind of victory to celebrate. And, it’s especially a warning to the rest of us as to exactly how disingenuous their position is, while also serving as a warning as to how easily they will justify their bigotry (or worse) should market forces shift.
These companies are not our friends. They are not our allies. They simply have decided that, at least for now, they do not want to be our enemies. And only because it might hurt their bottom line.
People who buy Macs are typically not buying it because they’re gamers.
They can be more than one thing
Lol, advocating windows. I guess it could get worse than the OP’s post.
Of course it doesn’t. But if it makes you feel better to make things up about someone you disagree with, I can’t stop you.
Maybe they want an Apple laptop because they want something that’s nice, runs major software, and doesn’t force the user to spend half their life in the command line.
People like this remind me of jerks driving around in lifted trucks and cars with loud exhausts calling everyone else a “pussy”. There’s nothing but insecurity that drives attitudes like this.
They got it when they bought MGM Studios
Of course, until Amazon sues him over the rights to the name “Stargate”
I think I’ll take my chances with the bomb