This was on a canon 90d on a star adventurer 2i, with a 50mm f1.8 lens stopped to around f5.6
30sec exposures at iso 800 stacked up using Siril
Thank you for your interest and compliments :) I was following advice from Nico Carvers channel for taking the frames: I am in a Bottle 4/5 sky so am decently lucky in that regard I took 400 light frames ( had to cull about half though) at 3sec exposure time to try and keep sharpess based on the NPF rule.
For processing I used Siril and a lot of tutorials. I stacked the frames (minus flats because it didn’t like the ones I took), then ran background extraction, plate solved colour calibration, and then I removed the stars with starnet.
I stretched the nebula using the generalised hyperbolic transform (I wanted to learn it, so far only used the others) and was happy with the results I got! My main trick was to do just enough stretching and reset the black point at each step, being careful about clipping. I then readded the stars at the level that I found aesthetic
I don’t know too much yet, this was my 2nd astro project at all, but I really loved it!
I just got a star adventurer 2i and the next clear night will have me doing Andromeda
I’m never leaving darktable again, lightroom can go suck an egg. I don’t have to pay any more and the tool is better imo
No answer to your question is relevant, as there is no line where vandalising someone’s shit becomes acceptable. Let alone based on someone’s gut reaction that owning a particular car makes someone scum
Even if they were “almost 100%” right wing tech bros, it doesn’t excuse messing with a private person’s shit.
People need to target the problem, rather than infighting.
You may want to quote some more of that bit, bud. It was a FOILED BOMBING PLOT targeting Jewish Australians.
How is Israel relevant?
But yes, native people always seem to get the shaft, no matter where you are. Again though, not relevant in this thread surely.
Some compression is lossy
Damn, you got me. Im sure its very important work your doing.