Iirc, there’s an extension to allow for desktop icons? I may be misremembering, it might be a setting somewhere. Either way, I’m sure you can do it.
Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!
Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
Iirc, there’s an extension to allow for desktop icons? I may be misremembering, it might be a setting somewhere. Either way, I’m sure you can do it.
I love GNOME for this. No desktop icons. Windows/super key, type the first letter or two, boom. It’s so pretty.
My phone on the other hand? The first screen is nicely arranged. The second screen is just a chronological list of the apps I’ve downloaded, because they automatically go to desktop, and they’ll clutter up my home screen if I don’t have a separate sacrificial screen for them
They’ll still only have 2 additional liberal senators.
Y’know, I can see a future where Canada gets annexed, but not Quebec. Those francophones will burn down the whole province down and salt the earth before they became US citizens. I just know it. And I wouldn’t blame them one little tiny bit.
I’m a transplant living in NET. Asheville is one of my favorite cities. It’s like a breathe of nearly fresh air whenever I get down there. Have you been to Firestorm? The coffee/book shop?
Too cool! Thank you for educating me! I’m american, I think that means I owe you 200 thousand in student loans, right?
Is there a reason for this? Like, just a fluke of evolution, or is it just not as bioavailable from the opposite source?
To tack onto the other comment about divisions. The episcopal church in the middle of a schism, with a lot of churches leaving and forming what are called Continuing Anglican churches, the largest of which (to my knowledge) is the Anglican Church in North America, or the ACNA. Personally, I think they’re kinda dicks, as a denomination. Left mainly over gay priests and women’s ordination. The episcopal church is fairly progressive of late, though not always historically. They’re a member church of the Anglican Communion, churches derived from the church of England.
I’ve never been prouder to be an Episcopal than I was when I heard her speech. But I’m not foolish enough to think it’ll make any difference. I doubt the religiosity, genuine faith, of really any of modern presidents, but trump especially clearly has no real beliefs.
For a few years as a kid I lived in Black Mountain, but I barely remember it. I love Asheville for visiting, I don’t really know what it’s like to live there. The whole reason I’m in Tennessee is because it got too expensive in Virginia Beach. I can’t imagine it’s much better in Asheville.
And yeah, anarchist worker cooperative. They’re amazing.