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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • There is this bug in TIC-80.

    When running the wasm version on firefox it has very bad framerate.

    So as many before me I pulled my sleeved and opened the firefox profiler to see what’s going on. Well, the framerate has never been better. As soon as you turn off the profiler the framerate drops.

    I thought I was going insane, until I saw that other people luckily found the same behavior. For now, the unofficial fix is opening the firefox profiler when playing on firefox.

  • Just a note, from one political activist to another: saying “this election is the most important election in history EVERY SINGLE TIME” just gets people exhausted, and make them develop a disbelief in your words. People could not have lived through several “the most importan election in history” in a row.