NO, HE IS NOT. The article is written from a place of ignorance, stop sharing it.
Here is a rebuttal submitted to the author:
In your recent article you showcase a term that Robert F. Kennedy is using to appeal for access to the US healthcare system: “pro-vaccine safety.” In the article this is called a “screeching U-turn.” I am writing to you today to explain that it is not.
In his book titled “The Real Anthony Fauci” Robert F. Kennedy uses the same term “pro vaccine safety” as he claims that the hundreds of millions of MMR vaccines safely distributed over the past decades - amounting in millions of lives improved - is not enough for him to believe the vaccine to be safe and effective. In ignoring such overwhelming evidence it becomes clear that claiming to be “pro vaccine safety” is a cover for RFK’s desire to dismantle one of the most significant public health improvements in American history. When articles such as yours are written indicating a change in posture, it aids RFK in rebranding his anti vaccine conspiracies to be more palatable while he yearns for control of this country-accross-the-pond’s public health systems.
NO, HE IS NOT. The article is written from a place of ignorance, stop sharing it.
Here is a rebuttal submitted to the author: