Assuming he lives that long.
Its Not political to call out this fucking obvious Nazis. Everyone should hate Nazis and this is in no way controversial.
Attacking traders, saying that you should share your food because you’ll get it back several times over, rebelling against autocratic rulers, solidarity and meeting the poor and marginalised at eye level
Definitely extreme left.
And does anyone remember the time when his affinity group resisted Jesus’ imprisonment by the security authorities by cutting off one of the officers’ ears? I have my doubts that it happened that way because the guy was seen with both ears several times afterwards, but the police legionnaires would never invent details to make the leftists look worse.
This shows that the movement surrounding the carpenter “Jesus” is obviously ready for violence. Also, numerous talks by followers of this group about a “Kingdom of God” (we suspect this is dog whispering for “dictatorship of the proletariat” as some leftists say they are “their own god”). In addition, influential members of this movement openly spoke of overthrowing the existing order. Although these plans were thwarted by “Jesus”, his tolerance towards potential ideological perpetrators of violence suggests that he does not rule out a violent overthrow.
The group should be categorised as left-wing extremist and left-wing terrorist and should be smashed immediately.
That’s not a straight arm salute, its a Hitler Salute. You don’t have to be German to be a fucking Nazi.
That was a very diplomatic response to some stupid asshole like this.
How long until we can play doom on mushrooms?