I question that because its the stone age so what else could he have ordered? I kind of wonder if the joke is that its not a regular rock.
I question that because its the stone age so what else could he have ordered? I kind of wonder if the joke is that its not a regular rock.
I think it would have been better with another f-word, but apparently they didn’t give two fucks.
It’s for pollinating the chlamydia.
I used to go back and forth between watching TV for a few months and stating away from it for several months. It was interesting how when coming back to it how incredibly stupid and obnoxious the ads were, but how quickly you get numbed to that again.
That’s more obnoxious then leaving a flier in my mailbox. I’m not calling any contractor who does either. If they were any good they wouldn’t need to do that, word of mouth would keep them busy.
I don’t understand why you would connect these two things. Since when does any power’s foreign policy treat those in the rest of the world as if they have any of the rights afforded to their own citizens? The US certainly doesn’t.
I think they are. I checked the comments before clicking on the article and that comment prevented me from rewarding that clickbaiter.
I think you’re right. It’s like the styrofoam of rocks.