American police do not exist to protect the populace, and this isn’t just some philosophical “they act unethically a lot” thing, this is established by the Supreme Court that police have no duty to protect and serve despite it being emblazoned on everything. American police are at their core publicly funded private security for the assets of the wealthy and act as tools of harassment against anyone who would defy the wealthy.
Anyone who becomes a cop in the US is a class traitor. They become part of an apparatus of harm against the common person, every time a cop does something illegal, or every time the buddies look the other way, or lie about events on reports, it all contributes to a system of harm.
How to handle class traitors who’ve also been hurt by the system they uphold… I don’t know… I 100% get not wanting to trust someone who participated in and furthered the harms done by cops, but, in being ideologically consistent, I also get that all people in the ideal society I’d like to see are given the opportunity to make amends and restore their position in society.
Not op, yeah do don’t really expect someone notnto be anonymous, but we’re also jaded to all these anonymous insiders making a big reveal confirming what we all already assume is happening in the admin and… just nothing happens. It’s just another news story to go between the feel good story of orphans being saved from the orphan crushing machine and “is this highly corrosive industrial solvent coming out of your faucets? More at 11” in the news cycle.