Yeah I’ve run into some issues with that page. This site has some direct links to MS servers maybe it’ll work for you.
Administrator of
Nerd, truck driver, and kinda creeped that you’re reading this.
Yeah I’ve run into some issues with that page. This site has some direct links to MS servers maybe it’ll work for you.
Download the ISO directly from MS.
Activate using:
According to the census of June 16, 1933, the Jewish population of Germany, including the Saar region (which at that time was still under the administration of the League of Nations), was approximately 505,000 people out of a total population of 67 million, or somewhat less than 0.75 percent.
They receive the worst possible punishment for cop: paid leave for 3 months, and then forced to apply at a different police district a town over.
pursue Federal jurisdiction and seek the death penalty regardless of other factors
That’s terrifying but seems badly written from a practical standpoint. If the AG is compelled to always go for death regardless of other factors it may sway juries to not convict in more cases where the death penalty really isn’t deserved, and let free somebody who might have otherwise spent a reasonable (note: I say reasonable by the standards of our sick and twisted justice system) amount of time in prison.
A lot of this is true. And the system is designed to keep the masses in such an incredibly insecure place when it comes to living and health that they cannot find the time, money, or courage to risk it.
People are barely keeping afloat. They pay their rent hoping their next paycheck will bring up their account balance before the check clears. People are using installment plans for the grocery trip. They have irregular swing shifts and/or two jobs that make scheduling incredibly difficult.
Organizing stuff takes a lot of people’s time, mental effort, and money.
I’m definitely not saying don’t organize. I’m saying do try and understand especially for the less privileged (among Americans) it’s really an insane task.
They only worked with the threat of violence if they failed.
And they’ve both been WAY watered down in modern tellings…
Supporting the violence is participating in it. Maybe you’re on the “good” side but still. If you work a normal 9-5 go home shoot the shit with your buds and volunteer at a homeless shelter… You’re still not a good person when your job is making bombs getting shipped to Israel.
But it’s already happening. They’re already suffering.
Nintendo’s main consoles usually change pretty drastically generation to generation after SNES.
SNES -> N64, 3D graphics and bizarre controller.
N64 -> GameCube, sensible controller and generational leap in graphics (better than the PS2 for sure).
GameCube -> Wii, shit graphics but with motion control
Wii -> Wii U, decent graphics, tablet!
Wii U -> Switch, Portable hybrid
Switch -> Switch 2, uhhhh spec bump
It’s definitely out of character
It can definitely take millions of years for photons to leave a star due to dense protons causing collisions.
Of tank man? The guy in the famous photo?
Where’s the picture of this? I’ve never heard that before. It doesn’t appear in his Wikipedia page, it just says there nobody knows what happened to him after.
Click MSDL not “Microsoft”