Thank God. The end result if that wasn’t blocked would have been bad. Hopefully the Supreme Court blocks it also. Doubt they will though.
Thank God. The end result if that wasn’t blocked would have been bad. Hopefully the Supreme Court blocks it also. Doubt they will though.
Andrew t a
Andrew (teachers assistant)
Or depending on my mood
Andrew (total asshole)
I did make another comment. I’m making a new one because there’s some things I want to add.
The first thing I would look at is what ideals or freedoms are you looking for? Then start looking for countries that match those ideals.
In my other comment, I said get an attorney. Let me follow up on that one. It isn’t I would suggest get an attorney. I would say have to have an attorney. I can’t tell you the number times I’ve heard attorney say a client went into a courtroom, tried to talk to a judge, said exactly what they were supposed to say did exactly what they were supposed to do, and the judge ruled against them. Then the attorney goes in and says the same thing and the judge rules in favor. It’s just the way the system is so I would you basically have to have an attorney. So I would talk to several attorneys and find out what would it cost beginning to end For you to be able to live in that country.
They will probably only be able to give you a ballpark number. Whatever number they give you don’t act shocked just say I thank you and appreciate the information.
As far as cost if you didn’t have the money. GoFundMe. That’s my best answer for you.
Even if the first go fund me, doesn’t get you enough money you just take that money put it in the bank. Then do another one.
I would suggest advertising the hell out of it. Now this one is gonna sound weird, but it might actually work. Find conservative based websites and advertise it there. Be honest about who you are. Then say you want to leave the country and you’re not coming back, but you don’t have the to be able to do it. Not all conservatives hate trans people but there are some that do and they wanna make them leave. Use that in your favor. Expect to get a lot of hate mail, but nothing says you actually have to read the comments. Maybe you can get some money from them. Like I said it’s a strange idea, but I could actually see it playing out , maybe not too large scale But any money is better than no money.
The question that I don’t really know here is whether or not when you are leaving is if you’re going to give up your American citizenship. If you plan to give up your American citizenship, then put that into the GoFundMe page. Put that into your advertisement when you’re trying to advertise .
Thanks for the idea. I’m doing an edit on Apple maps to suggest that. 😈
Many times a still shot can be taken at the right /wrong moment where it gives the illusion of a nazi salute. It annoys me when people say " oh my god that’s a nazi salute " when it’s someone in the middle of simply waving.
Then there’s this guy who is doing something where there just isn’t any other way to interpret the gesture. The only thing missing was him yelling Heil Trump!
If you are trying to make them care or discuss it at work then that is where you are failing.
Very few people want to or are willing to discuss politics at work. Many will report it as harassing behavior and you run the risk of getting fired.
You need to talk to them outside of work.