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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • I mean, I mostly agree with this. You can boil any problem down to existence. And existence down to molecular processes.

    But two things: discussing modern problems, it’s all built on systems. And the system we deal with is capitalism.

    Human fallibility is the problem, ultimately. But there is no overcoming human fallibility. So building systems that place peoples well being above all else is an actionable solution. Whereas solving human fallibility isn’t.

    And secondly, hierarchy in all its forms. Which I would argue is the problem boiled down past the system to look at its problematic parts. Does a system rely on or serve needs in a hierarchical manner? Then that’s the problem.

    That’s as far as I think is logical to go. Digging down further to human nature is a problem for a utopian society to deal with, and that we are nowhere near to achieving. So, my point is we need to deal with the first layer of problems. And that would be capitalism. Abolishing hierarchy in all its forms comes second.

    The first because the system rewards the worst parts of our nature. The second because it’s almost uniformly led to corruption. Those are the root problems, from my point of view. Human fallibility is, I’m afraid, baked into the cookie. But removing systems that reward those errors instead of eradicating them should be job one.

  • It’s also a well-worn fascist tactic: completely bald-faced lying in the face of undeniable truth. It’s just double speak on a toddlers level. But it’s frustrating as fuck because it works—and it works because we have a media ecosystem in this country that thrives on a bias toward “fairness” over a bias toward telling the truth as we can all plainly see it.

    “Say all house republicans came to the floor tomorrow saying they believe the earth is flat. The Times would lead with “democrats and republicans can’t agree on shape of earth.”

  • But it’s who’s hurting. When the solution involves making the poor suffer more for the better of the economy…you think that’s the right solution?

    I’m not going to pretend to know much about the Argentinian economy. But using the basic tenets of my moral worldview, I have to say I disagree. But hen again, I am incredibly uninformed about the history of politics in Argentina. And I will say, what I learned from my Argentinian friends while living in South America, I would have to assume the problem is similar to other countries in South America (and in NYC)—it’s not the structure, but the string of corrupt assholes who take advantage of the position when they get in power. That story is not unique to anywhere in the world. Power corrupts people. So I’m going to, again, share my kind a uninformed opinion and say I would assume corruption has been the problem, not that the poor people weren’t getting screwed hard enough.

  • I didn’t downvote, but I’m so goddamn tired of them pushing responsibility onto us for something we had maybe 1% responsibility in creating. Stop suggesting a solution that accounts for .0000001% of a solution to a problem it’s becoming increasingly obvious none of the true culprits are even pretending to be interested in solving anymore. Especially when those lifestyle changes literally just translate into somehow even higher profits for the truly responsible parties.

    Stop feeding us back-patting, self-congratulatory non solutions to a catastrophic problem bearing down on us while the solution we truly need is radical change brought about only through action that comes when we stop accepting a complicit comfort and exchange it for righteous anger.