I already signed this months ago. Shared it with my friends, and the ones from Europe also signed it.
Not sure what more I could do…
I already signed this months ago. Shared it with my friends, and the ones from Europe also signed it.
Not sure what more I could do…
This is the first time I’ve heard of anything called “Unknown” as a franchise. Has there been nine whole games? Or is the nine part referring to something specific.
Very ironic name, by the way, for a game I’ve never heard of. ^^;
Very clever. Very very clever. Labelling them as terrorists gives the US the grounds for invading a country, as it has done before. As Russia did with Ukraine by claiming it’s infested with nazis.
Unfortunately it’s not clever enough, as some regular dude like me can see right through it. But I guess being more clever is not necessary anymore.
Strip away all the fake AI garbage and what you’re left with is something that is only marginally more powerful than the previous generation.
When I spend a fucktillion money on a powerful card, I expect it to be powerful, not have a whole lot of tricks up its sleeve to make it appear powerful.
Congratulations for making it weird, publisher.
You don’t say, Nintendo. Pretty sure they’re also using open source emulators, from the developers they really hate, to run their older titles.
Yeah, me too. I’ve never even read the webcomic. Can we please just forget about it already?
Oh by fucking gods. It’s loss. People are STILL posting loss. And here I was thinking this was a chemistry meme.
Just Stop Oil has to be the most destructive and idiotic activist group I’ve ever heard of (besides Greenpeace and their anti-nuclear agenda). They make activism as a whole look bad with their pointless stunts.
What does Vincent van Gogh have to do with the current state of the petrol industry? What does any classical artist have to do with the current state of the petrol industry? Why go out of one’s way to try and ruin something that isn’t even remotely related to the subject? They’re only making themselves look like a bad joke.
Doesnt help they’re total assholes either; a few years ago they blocked a motorway in England in protest. Fair enough. But there was a family who’s baby had to be rushed to the nearest hospital, and they weren’t allowed to pass! Seriously, fuck them.
That’s the most punk looking animal I’ve ever seen.