Wow, it took them this long to realize that was a major bottleneck for their gaming.
Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.
Wow, it took them this long to realize that was a major bottleneck for their gaming.
The issues regarding may be email providor side. I just signed up using a gmail account, but it wouldn’t go through with my AOL email.
I refuse to comprehend why an admin override style panel is even needed for this. It’s one thing if its owned by the dealer, but if you have the title to your car, its unnecessary for your employees to need access to every customers vehicle past purchase. Once it’s been handed over, there is zero reason for a remote employee to be able to access your car remotely, paying for a service or not.
This isn’t a third party gaining access to a customers account, this is a third party gaining access to a Subaru employees account, who for some reason can access an “admin panel” that has every Subaru car in it and the ability to remote control it. That’s insane.
I hate that I noticed the syntax error on line 263 before I realized what the joke was. (at least I assume that 260 contains a function with a callback meaning it is missing the closing parenthesis)
This will not happen, due to the end goal of what they want being directly against the constitution. And even if it did we would see a full reversal of power in the other direction. There is no way that they would be able to accomplish something like that without a full Civil War again, but this time I’d be even worse because instead of just fighting the South in the North you’d be fighting your neighbors cuz it’d be red versus blue.
I’ve always been curious if it would be worth someone setting up a movement of people that set up meta or Instagram account and then just go through in Mass report. Obviously they don’t pay for moderators so like eventually the system will autoflack the post and take it down.
Basically do the same thing that Facebook is doing to suppressors but to the opposing side.
I don’t use Facebook myself so I would never be able to do something like that but like surprised someone else hasn’t
If I understand secondary function correctly, that’s essentially what the FN key does on keyboards it switches it from F1 through 12 to 13 through 23, but they generally use the buttons to control system settings such as your brightness or audio. The FN lock just switched the polarity so it defaults to 13 through 23 instead of 1 through 12
Honestly, I’m down for this. We can also have a market for replacement key caps of the button and then be able to bind the co-pilot key to whatever you want. I’m thinking of the amazingness of that being able to set it up so Sublime automatically opened something to keep pressing or have it as a secondary modifier key so you can have co-pilot shift for your shortcuts which means that you don’t have to do the awkward L
I didn’t see the Reddit link for a second so I’m like is this the fediverse Community commenting about how many people are talking in the fediverse community.
The concept of that made me chuckle
that site must not work on mobile, every picture posted there is in black and white for me, which makes them look really ugly
The second link works though, as long as I stay on that image
Yeah definitely a mobile thing, because I just changed the filter over to gradient and you can tell there’s slight color involved but everything looks like shown through a dirty glass pane
I love that Banner though
For myself, I love the fact that it’s clear that it’s not an actual game controller, however you can tell it is meant to be. This gives the first glance look at a community that is gaming related without defaulting to a specific platform.
I would say that if the game controller icon gets changed it should keep that individuality, meaning that I wouldn’t recommend it become a picture of an actual controller or a diagram depicting an actual controller
The banner I can see yea I never noticed that before, but I like the community icon, it isn’t a currently valid gamepad(that I can recognize), but gets the point across it’s game related without hinting at a prioritization or preference of system.
If the icon changed I would love if it kept it’s individuality by remaining a fake controller instead of being an image(or depiction) of a real one.
yea then trump said his requirement was selling it still. If they didn’t care about selling they would have sold months ago. They are just doing what’s done to milk a few more months of profit imo
All of this falls in dead waters as soon as people realize, Bytedance has already let tiktok die in the states once due to it’s refusal to sell under the ruling. I don’t see how them learning that the US government and a third party /also/ want to buy it will change anything. I think the outcome will be the same.
Bytedance has made it clear, they would rather have the app offline in the states and leave it online for the rest of the world, then to lose their product, and even if they wanted to sell, which they have currently stated they don’t, that type of deal would need to be OK’d by the Chinese government first, and there’s no way that would happen with a third party, let alone if it means the US government would get half the company.
I respect Trumps hustle for wanting to give one of the worlds largest social media platforms onto American Soil(more explicitly/likely one of his advisors/business partners), but I really don’t think it’s going to work.
I didn’t even know it existed in the first place. I’m going to show my grandfather and see if he’s seen it before. I expect he has since he’s a retired english/history teacher
edit: he has seen it before, but he couldn’t remember what it meant.
this right here. I stopped getting scam calls years ago, I stopped answering and they just eventually stopped calling. If you don’t interact with the call (interact being ignore it or mute it NOT reject it) and it just goes to voicemail, they seem to eventually stop
To be honest, they could launch the game as a 1 MB file that brings you to a black screen that says get fucked, and they would still make their money’s worth just out of the people who will blindly buy the game because they’ve been waiting for GTA 6 for so long that they bought it release day.
And then they could just move back to GTA V pretending nothing happened because the same people that would have impulse purchased GTA 6 with zero research are also the people who play GTA V religiously spending money on the micro transactions there and that isn’t going to cut their addiction
depends on how its being implemented tbh, steam for example has protections against that stuff. But if they keep the “third party account may be required” style of warning on the page, like they had with helldivers 2, steam will likely not do anything until Sony ok’d the refunds.
Defo avoid buying period unless that warning is gone.