von der Leyen is a hypocrite. Where was the rule-based approach during the genocide in Gaza? She and many EU leaders purposefully ignored the Hague and the Geneva conventions.
“If you were able to overlook a genocide and cast a vote for Harris, you already know how a conservative was able to overlook Trump’s extremism and vote for him.” – Historian Robin D.G. Kelley
von der Leyen is a hypocrite. Where was the rule-based approach during the genocide in Gaza? She and many EU leaders purposefully ignored the Hague and the Geneva conventions.
What’s your definition of Nazi? I would think Andrew Jackson still a worse president than Trump. And not even the Supreme Court was able to stop him
Nothing like what’s happening in Palestine though. The US didn’t kill as many children or destroy as much infrastructure as Israel did. Despite the criminality of the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, their intentions weren’t genocidal even if they did show complete disregard for human lives. Somehow Israel has impunity that no one else has, and committed war crimes at a rate and scale that not even Russia did in Ukraine. Israel intentionally created a famine in the Gaza Strip as part of its campaign against the Palestinians as a people.
We live in a world where might makes right. International laws and norms were killed on Oct 9, 2023.
People here need to read about how fascism in Germany and Italy were good for business but terrible for the workers. About how the moneyed interests played a role in the rise of fascism in both as a defense mechanism against unions and socialism.
You have the option of trying without installing. Lots of Linux distros can run straight from DVD or USB without having to be installed. This way you can rest assure that it will either work for you once installed or you can just eject the media without altering or touching anything on your drive.
The two parties tango. The Republicans wouldn’t be getting away with it if the Democrats weren’t beholden to the same moneyed interests.
Did Obama prosecute any of the Bush Jr officials guilty of torture and guilty of invading Iraq over a lie? Worse Obama committed more war crimes.