I still have every single line of that “Kairi’s inside me” cutscene memorized, because it was so extremely long and was immediately before the hardest story boss fight in the game. I felt like I was throwing myself against a brick wall with how many times I had to retry that Riku fight.
In comparison, the second Maleficent (dragon) fight was a breeze. I spanked her in like two or three tries, max.
Most people agree that Hollow Bastion is where the difficulty actually spikes. Before then, most bosses won’t really give you any trouble as long as you’re properly leveled. But Hollow Bastion is what separates the “easy” section of the game from the “hard” section.
Some of the Berserker fights were pretty fucking rough. The one with three separate berserkers (I think two mages and a melee fighter) had me wanting to throw my controller at the screen. Every time I would get an opening on one, I’d get blasted from behind by the other two.