It’s sooo challenging, but I try. Buycott helped for awhile, but I haven’t redownloaded since I got a new phone. We typically try to stick to best choice equivalent brands, but I do check the packaging to see if whatever brand is under Nestle.
The hardest part is convincing my SO to stop eating Stouffer’s.
I loved the Hitman games when I was younger, but somewhere around Hitman Absolution, I just lost interest because of this. They renamed this, resold that, combined this with that.
Last time I downloaded something, it was to try it in VR when it said there was a VR patch. I couldn’t do anything. I found out later, it’s only for PSVR 1 and only on PS4 with the camera and a dual shock 4 controller that has the light bar for tracking. Literally nothing explained that anywhere.
It’s an absolute mess and a shame.