God Speed You! Black Emperor.
Not a band, but Patti Smith, with Philip Glass.
Go on go on go on go on go on
God Speed You! Black Emperor.
Not a band, but Patti Smith, with Philip Glass.
I hope this comes up on Homes Under the Hammer. “Plenty of potential here for someone wanting to expand their rental portfolio! Seems to be a slight issue with damp…”
It’s in London. Nuff said.
The only person I know who believes this twaddle about vaccines is a retired nurse and very religious (Christian). Even though everyone in our friend group and in her own family has survived multiple vaccines unscathed, she still issues dire warnings about the latest batch. Arguing has no effect, so I just laugh in her face now.
I’m 72 and yes, you’re spot-on. You’re both young! Seriously, if I hear of someone dying at 62, I think oh how sad, so young! Perspective is everything.
Oh yes, coriander. Yuck. I was so relieved to discover it was a genetic thing that I was scraping this disgusting weed off my food while everyone else was saying how delicious it was.
For what it’s worth, a flue is an adjustable opening in a wood stove or similar, Kernspalt in German according to Harper Collins. Now you just have to work the conversation around to the efficient use of a wood stove… 😄
"No girl should get to the sixth form without having learned Latin "
Fuck you, Mrs Entwhistle.
You can get tooth powder in jars.
My dentist is lovely. Last visit I told him how much I appreciated his care and advice, and he blushed and said no-one ever thanked him. He needs a hug!
I don’t hate you.
Well that took me a minute - oh, autumn, you’re talking about autumn! Ha ha, excellent dad joke.
The imbalance in numbers isn’t just in movies. Think about the judiciary, legislators, business leaders… It’s everywhere. In my own career I was the first woman to hold a senior position with one of my employers. Crazy. Achieving even what we have has been uphill all the way. I’m glad you’ve woken up to this - maybe you can keep spreading the word!
How do I feel about it? Really fucking exhausted. It’s not just the movies, it’s my everyday life. Being patronised, talked over, ignored, belittled… Ugh. A lot of men seem to outright despise women. On the bright side, most of this behaviour comes from men of my own generation (I’m old). Young men in general seem much less arrogant, more respectful of women. My sister suggested this is because we remind them of their grannies, lol, but they speak well about women their own age too, and regard them as equals. (Apart from this one young bloke who talked about “women and other minorities”, sigh.)
It’s not antisemitism, it’s anti-Zionism. And accusations of Zionism being fascist aren’t new. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun
An extract: ‘Albert Einstein, in a letter to The New York Times in 1948, compared Irgun and its successor Herut party to “Nazi and Fascist parties” and described it as a “terrorist, right wing, chauvinist organization”.’
But what would a genius German Jew who escaped the Holocaust know about fascism, right?
Father Ted.
Ugh, I have a friend whose humour often involves mean-spirited jibes and put-downs. I was in a low mood one day and told him I didn’t like the tone of his “jokes”, that they sometimes stung. He really dialled back after that.
It was when I tripped and fell over outside my house. The next day my neighbour said, “I hear you had a Fall.”
Yes, when you’re old you don’t fall over, you “have a Fall”. Everyone hearing about your Fall will make concerned noises. (I was perfectly fine! I’m not OLD old!)
Do obnoxious stuff for “librul tears”.
Cry like a baby when people do obnoxious stuff back.
If only they could be more like Chuck Feeney.