I think they were not aware of the scam that screwed over users at the time, only the one that screwed themselves over
I think they were not aware of the scam that screwed over users at the time, only the one that screwed themselves over
Agreed. They would probably call both items religious or cultural symbols and move on.
I know! Its so easy its great! Plus its generally cheaper too, so I don’t have to work very hard and I still have enough money. God damn life is easy.
I use downloads instead, it mainly functions as a temporary folder where anything unimportant can live and once it gets a scroll bar it all gets deleted. For the very rare things that are important I could then move them after.
A few people cared, fewer did anything about it. Most were more concerned with mass production of cheap shit.
Got a heat pump to replace the gas boiler, bike instead of car and replaced the concrete paved garden with what will hopefully become a wildflower meadow with shrubs on the edges. You can actually just stop buying a lot of the stuff that is causing these problems.
Made a bash script using sqlite recently to automate processing some data. Best part is it terrifies everyone else at work and no one else wants to touch it because it’s on Linux and none of them have used it before.
There is a single feature I kinda wish it had, view message history. Doesn’t have to be permanent history, like last 30 minutes/messages would be fine. But using IRC on an intermittent connection isn’t great in my experience. Otherwise I would love to go back to IRC.
Your news media is just a propaganda organisation owned by the ruling class
We are not all devs/sysadmins. For a long time thought I didn’t really know what I was doing, until one day someone had an issue running an old game and I looked at the error and could tell them how to fix it by editing the launch script.
Why should my OS be any of their concern?
Why should it be an app? I would prefer a website, it works on everything then as everything has a web browser. We don’t need to harvest user data here so what would the app provide? Plus it restricts users that are not on apple/android
Am I also in range of the nuclear bomb, or am I safe? Unclear as the image doesn’t specify if it is drawn to scale or not. Also which direction are the tracks currently pointing.