Shakespeare and Serious Sam.
Shakespeare and Serious Sam.
A lot of stuff don’t have a spot. And no, I’m not putting that meme template I will need for 5 minutes into the tmp folder, I’m not insane.
If a cluttered desktop is a sign of a cluttered mind, what does an empty one signify?
People today call everyone a Nazi, it lost all meaning. You can’t even walk on a street with flags with a hindu symbol without being called a Nazi…
People play Diablo 4? o.0
The point is that the Czech name for the gulf has nothing to do with how Americans are calling it, it’s not even the same language. Why should be care Trump calls it different? He’s not our president, you know.
If we did, everybody else in the world would keep calling it The Gulf of Mexico, right?
Most countries don’t call it “The Gulf of Mexico”. For example in my country it’s “Mexický záliv”.
2A is supposed to facilitate millitias in case England attacks again.
I might have misjudged you. Maybe you’re not dumb, just illiterate.
There are four parts!
You’re replying to a .ml. Just save your energy, they’re not worth talking to.
Wake up babe! It’s time to sign the initiative!
And that’s where we’ll end our session!
I have to pee.
WTF is this soviet apologia?