On a Linux environment? Mind sharing the usage area?
On a Linux environment? Mind sharing the usage area?
I learned of those files outside the context of programming. When program or file zip packages contained these random ds store files and I looked up what they are.
Turns out, it’s metadata caching for macOS. Irrelevant and does not belong into [distributed or shared] packages.
/edit: It’s been a long time ago. Looking at it again, I guess it adds folder metadata, so it could be useful when distributing to other macOS. But for other OS, it’s noise. Either way, usually it’s not intentionally included.
Case insensitive handling protects end-users from doing “bad” things and confusion.
is exactly the same as programming case sensitivity
Me working on a case insensitive DB collation 🤡🚀🐱🏍
Why would you order lowercase before uppercase?
Windows is / Windows filesystems are case insensitive too.