Hewww, I was not aware of this book, thanks.
Wikipedia link “see also” section has a nice list of “Steal this” related content.
Hewww, I was not aware of this book, thanks.
Wikipedia link “see also” section has a nice list of “Steal this” related content.
Its wose mentionning that this comic name is inspired by “Still this film”. A 2 parts documentary from 2006/2007 about our freedom restriction implied by copyright laws and intelectual property non-sense. From TBP team, before TBP AFK. Very interresting to see. Sadly 20 years after, nothing has changed…
Of course it’s free to “steal”, magnets are hidden in this messy website: https://stealthisfilm.org/Part1/ https://stealthisfilm.org/Part2/
Nice! It’s using xclip or xsel to copy magnet links, afaik it’s only working on Xorg. What is the Wayland alternative for xclip?
yt-dlp --sponsorblock-remove all <url>
is the way. It turns playlist link into nicely named, curated video files awaiting to played by a regular video player
HS: Mind game is also an incredibly beautiful animated movie from 2004, wholeheartedly recommended.