Might not be. This could have simply been some IT guy noticing that something kept trying to ping the outside world.
Might not be. This could have simply been some IT guy noticing that something kept trying to ping the outside world.
Ok, but none of that mentions how they plan to account for panels buried under a foot of snow for half the year. That’s the source of the concern, not simply smoothing out daily peaks and valleys.
California didn’t really debunk anything here. It’s a coastal state with plenty of wind and a predominantly warm, sunny, rain free climate. Of course renewables like wind and solar do well. The reliability concerns are usually more prevalent in areas that have much higher precipitation, and especially in climates that get snow.
You heard it here first folks. Jesus was of the radical left.
Right wingers have lost their goddamn minds.
This is the take that frustrates me the most. “Since the candidate wasn’t perfect (by my definition of perfect, which of course is exactly the same as everyone else’s definition) it’s their fault that I stayed home”.
The election is always about damage control. You pick the least worst candidate, since those are the only options available. You want something different, you have to have your shit together before the primaries start. Instead, people do nothing for four years, then act all shocked and offended when nothing changes at election time.
No, no, no, don’t you understand? This is the Democrats’ fault for not running someone old, white, and male likeable enough.
Might also not be this device that was specifically targeted. The backdoor could have been placed in component firmware for any generic components this device uses, or in some general software library that gets used all over the place.