Still less than the dead of World War II
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Still less than the dead of World War II
It has still been a relatively peaceful time in human history post fall of the Soviet Union even when you include Iraqi and Afghani deaths as a proportion to the world’s population. Wars still happened in that relative time of peace, but those conflicts were relatively contained to not create a new great power war.
Great powers haven’t entered in open conflict on the scale of World War II, which was chosen as a bench mark.
I’m going to look at it more in terms of how long a European peace lasted.
The Napoleonic wars ended with the Concert of Europe, a peace that was able to last until World War I and depended on a balance of power that lasted for almost a century.
An equivalent system was set up after World War II with a peace anchored by the Allied Powers, decolonization, and the US-Soviet rivalry. That system has lasted for about 80 years and is showing significant strain.
I don’t know how long this system will last, but it doesn’t seem like it will last for much longer. Trump’s election seems to be hastening that end.
It depends on the form of employee ownership as to whether it works out for the employees.
In trucking, the industry uses the owner-operator model as a way to push costs onto employees and skirt labor laws. On paper, the truckers are their own bosses. In reality, they are effectively employees of logistics companies where the logistics companies can pay their employees less than minimum wage and push maintenance costs onto their employees.
In this case, ownership is used as a tool of oppression.
If someone is an able bodied person who is able to work, voluntary euthanasia would not benefit most societies. There would be to be rampant unemployment to make it near a benefit to society, which is usually more of a sign than the society is such instead of the individual.
Most economic research into the topic have been on those with severe disabilities, deteriorating medical conditions, and when end of life should occur. At that point, there isn’t an economic value keeping someone alive while there is a high economic cost in doing so.
If you’re able to work, it isn’t a benefit for society if you kill yourself.
If you had enough organization to implement a general strike, Trump wouldn’t be president.
But why is there a two party tango?
Democrats will implement some policies and laws and then see support collapse as Republicans get voted in. Then people who didn’t vote will complain that Republicans got voted in and dismantled what Democrats were able to do.
The Speaker of House wields a lot of power, including deciding what gets brought up to vote in the House.
The current speaker is not a Democrat.
It is kind of descriptive…
A lot of it can as simple as kids not wanting to live in the small towns that their parents live in to far worse.
Japan has been undergoing deruralization for decades.
This is more of a technical matter, but how does this European Court of Human Rights verdict get incorporated into law?
The US Supreme Court’s verdicts get implemented rather easily because the US uses common law where judicial rulings become law and lawyers get a wide berth to interpret laws. In contrast, France has a civil law system, where judges are supposed to interpret the law rather narrowly and verdicts aren’t supposed to have any legal weight.
Jeroba would default to .ml because the devs also admin the instance.
No, but a ton of people got AOL and Prodigy email addresses at first because they got an email address with their account.
And he has turned over Mastodon to a non-profit company which should be able to gain more resources to develop Mastodon.
I feel like Mastodon is the only one who did things right.
Yeah. I think a lot of federated services are struggling with the idea that they need to build a system to handle the growth, not just treat it like a personal project.
Each country is different, but you are going to have to look at how you can immigrate to certain countries. Some countries let you apply for jobs beforehand, other countries only want you to get a job after you move.
Who decides who is an insurrectionist?
The legal system, which decided to take its fucking time.
The voters were supposed to be that check and the Framers were explicit in that it was part of how they designed the Constitution.
Even regarding electing a felon, the Framers didn’t want a case where one state pushed through a a felony conviction quickly to keep someone out of office.
I didn’t just provide one example, though. There are cycles of war and peace in Europe that got mapped out to the globe as European nations became the dominant powers. There are eras of wars where various great and lesser powers participate in more destructive wars because the international order has broken down and isn’t there to restrain belligerents. There are also times when costly wars don’t end with a lasting “peace”, but an armistice before fighting resumes.
We seem to be at a point where the post World War II international order is breaking down. When that happens historically, there is usually a big war and destruction on the order of magnitude of World Wars I and II.