IIRC, it was Vance and Trump that led that, or am I repeating the headline?
IIRC, it was Vance and Trump that led that, or am I repeating the headline?
You mean he polled a number out of his ass. He doesn’t need to go through the effort of asking anyone to get an actionable result. The results from bots and racists would have been similar anyway.
Time to deport this twat
Get referred to a gastrointerologist asap. There are a variety of things it could be, and few of those are anything you can get away with ignoring.
If it’s bright red, could be a ruptured blood vessel from straining to defecate to chrohns disease or ulcerative colitis. The later nearly killed me. Dark red to coffee ground consistency can be stomach ulcers. These can be a one off thing or chrilonic and lead to anemia, malnutrition, cancer etc…
Mind, I’m not a doctor, but I had dealt with serious symptoms of UC for over a decade and would be dead by now had I not gotten surgery. Got pretty familiar with digestive tract issues. Don’t take it lightly
ICE thinks Taco Bell is authentic Mexican cuisine.