Do you mean Brotherhood? I don’t think 2 had anything like this
Do you mean Brotherhood? I don’t think 2 had anything like this
Bummer. Best of luck, hopefully it will get better again!
Aye aye!
That sucks! I don’t get any motion sickness, so no personal recommendations, but have you tried some of the common tricks (like increasing FoV, disabling motion blur)?
I didn’t like the low ammo at first either, but I’ve come to really enjoy it. Since your chainsaw regenerates fuel you can easily get more ammo ~once per minute, and between that you’ll have to decide how to allocate your ammo based on enemy danger & weak spots.
It forces you into a more aggressive and fast playstyle, but that’s the goal of the whole game IMO :)
The same id managed to keep the hardware requirements for Eternal amazingly low. I have a pretty beefy PC, yet I’d prefer to play without Ray Tracing, as that usually keeps the framerate from reaching a stable 120. It sucks they are taking away that option.
Oh boy, are you gonna LOVE Javascript
Sorry, wanted to make a joke :D he’s a pretty famous actor. He played Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher, Superman in a bunch of DC movies, as well as many other roles.
That’s the beautiful man in the photograph
For someone who just wants to play a game it’s a great suggestion, as long as the application uses portals etc.
That’s why you stop rotating before writing, obviously
They should invent a USB drive in the form factor of a DVD
Since it rotates so fast, the bits would get pushed out much quicker!
Does life really have to get ever shittier, just because a few people need more money?
Sure, everyone can live without Netflix. But some entertainment is good, not just individually, but also socially. Lots of public entertainment has died down during the pandemic. Now entertainment is getting more expensive while people already have too little money because everything else got too expensive.
Where does this end? When everyone can barely afford rent & food, and nothing else? After all, nothing else is essential, right?
No pressure, come around when you feel like it!
For me it was Sword Saint Isshin from Sekiro. The ape already took me days to beat, but Isshin was weeks and hundreds of attempts. But it felt so fucking good - especially since it was easy to no-hit Genichiro by the end. God, he must have been pissed off.
I barely managed to scrape together a single win with 4 boss cells. No way I’m ever gonna get further.
It also makes you re-implement a database, but worse.
Use a JSON file if you just need to serialize/deserialize some data. Use SQLite or a DB server if you need more. Your own code will never match the quality of SQLite.
Fucking propaganda. It seriously enrages me how people like you have become so programmed that they’ll attribute everything to an organization you’ve been told to hate. Don’t you ever stop and see how you’re being used?
I opened the community up if you’re interested: [email protected]
Oh man, really? It’s been too long, I seem to have either forgotten or just never did that.
I’d love to revisit the games sometime, but they feel very clunky these days.