Works for me, more or less.
Mostly less.
Works for me, more or less.
Mostly less.
I believe it’s technically anemany.
Animememe I believe they’re called.
If people were still named after their professions, there’s lots of people around who’d have that surname.
There is no such thing as redundant wives in a total sense.
There’s only kidnapped wives, or dead or single men. That’s the only way you get a relative surplus. The amount of women remains the same whether you do polygyny or not.
I’m fine with that, they chose not to be worthy. I saw the masses shout it very clearly, they want to keep this nonsense going ad undas.
My condolences to Mrs. Fine.
Which does nothing to help with the issue of mothers dying from pregnancy, unless there’s something more that you know?
You don’t just “have many redundant wives”. It starts out roughly 50/50 from birth no matter what you do.
You either have more women by having a lot of single men, or a lot of dead men, or by taking women from other places.
Okay first of all, having seen the amount of damage on real archaeological finds there’s no way an aluminum can survives for several centuries without disintegrating. In fact, it seems to be expected to take between 200 and 500 years.
But second, there’s no way that shape would be called a shield. Even if some archaeologist was silly enough to make that error there would be dozens of contemporary HBMA practitioners pouncing on the poor bastard with their arguments about practicality and various attempts at recreation and demonstration.
Unless this is assuming a sample with one half of the can worn away and the other preserved in some miraculously half-protective condition. Though I’d really expect the top and bottom to outlast the wall.
I don’t see how polygyny gets around the issue of risk of death from pregnancy.
Polygyny would get around the issue of men getting killed.
Wonder how long it’ll take before we get to step forward again. As far as I’m seeing, we’re in for a long ride back. Not just for 4 years.
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How would the fungi even interface with the robot? Exposed parts of the circuitry?
Would it “give” the robot sentience, or would it be the sentience?
The aliens dropped these oxygen making nodules in the ocean. Kinda like when we fertilize soil.
They made life possible, they started the cycle. Papa bless.