wireless house fire
wireless house fire
I am with you on this, I don’t want a cooktop with a damn battery and software updates. That’s ridiculous.
Nothing stopping you from using diluted lye / oven cleaner and wiping it off, just be very sure you take the necessary precautions. Do not breathe that shit in or let it get on your skin.
And yet again, not one of those other vendors are anywhere near as permissive for developers or as good to consumers as Valve is. You lumping them in with the others is deeply unfair.
If devs want to get a better cut, Itch.io and GOG are there and they don’t steal people’s information and fuck consumers the way EGS does. I will not support storefronts owned by psychopaths: I avoid Amazon almost completely, I do not buy from Apple or Google stores, and I’m not going to buy anything from EGS either. Put your game on Itch or GOG. Simple as.
Would criticizing this specific cut be easier, if we talked about Apple’s iron grip on the App Store? Because it’s the same damn policy.
Except that it isn’t? Apple doesn’t let you circumvent their store, while Steam not only allows games to have their own monetization system, it allows off-site sales of the game on Steam. That is significantly more permissive, by a degree of magnitude that makes me wonder about your sincerity.
What Epic means by “for developers” is, developers keep more of the money. Walk me through how that’s bad for you.
Why should we accept an objectively worse storefront run by psychopaths because developers make more money under some circumstances? EGS is not supporting open-source software, Linux, VR. Their online backend is awful, with their chat and multiplayer still sucking years later. No remote play or remote play together. They don’t allow user tags or reviews. They are missing incredibly basic library sorting controls. No easily accessible news/update notes from developers. They have adopted virtually none of the pro-consumer moves such as identifying dead games, DRM, or third-party launchers before you buy. No custom profile pictures.
Also worth noting the featured/recommended list in the Steam store does a good job, even sending me the odd game with like 5 reviews that might actually suit my interests. I have on more than one occasion bought games I’d probably never see without this, and I’m in some communities with indie devs. I’ve demoed and tested games no one has ever heard of. If Steam can find me gems in the rough while I’m that low to the ground, they’re doing a good job.
If that feature alone isn’t worth Steam’s cut to you, frankly you deeply misunderstand the marketplace in general and just how damned hard it is to sell a game as a nobody. EGS and Prime will never support indie devs or niche titles this way, because it doesn’t make them money. Steam will, because it does. Think about that.
What an absurd read. As if middlemen taking a third of revenue is pro-consumer.
Considering this was a shift from retail where getting games to retail cost a great deal more, how exactly is that bad?
Also you know nothing stops gamedevs from selling their keys elsewhere and getting all of the revenue right?
Steam was the first to offer 2 hour/14 day refunds, as well as refunds over broken games. They brought reviews to the storefront. Communities and discussion boards to communicate with devs and find like-minded players. Demos, 4 packs, easy access to servers and SDKs, easy update delivery and tracking for consumers…
It’s a store-front with a strong focus on consumer happiness. People are not going to give that up for EGS or Prime, which are run by psychopaths and not even remotely consumer-friendly. Tim Sweeny even said EGS is made for developers, with the implication it is not for consumers.
GOG is probably the closest competitor that stands any hope of success but they have steered clear of actually entering Steam’s territory, preferring to grab a market Steam neglects (retro PC gamers). Considering they have not developed the other systems Steam has I don’t think they want to compete and are content to coexist.
Could you go a year without a single new certification, interview, award, promotion, and be OK with yourself for it?
No but I have ADHD and collect knowledge like trading cards in an attempt to appease the screaming boredom. Wonder what got her all twisted up?
Downvoting because that link has more ads than content holy shit.
The down votes are from people who were diagnosed with “stress” and are now addicted to anti depressants.
The downvotes are from people who think your statements are ignorant lol
I’ve been seeing people advocating ruining random Teslas and it’s pissing me off. Do people think rightoids make up the majority of EV early adopters? Fucking think about it before you go off spray painting swastikas onto innocent people’s cars holy shit.
I’m in a union that is about 70% women. A woman leads the union. Women get special delegates to the general meeting as do other minorities. You cannot criticize this without getting into some trouble.
I’m a lefty and I cannot safely discuss this. It’s very frustrating.
I’ve heard the terms “vulgar” and “dirtbag” to describe this kind of lefty. I’m down for it.
Even for Windows, as shit as it is, this seems hard to believe.
I don’t know how involved he is but yes, Rivals of Aether 2.
That guy truly is a knob. I dropped him for his take on Stop Killing Games, it was such an obviously brain-dead take…
I’ve been eyeing Amazfit’s watches hard, ever since I saw a coworker with one. Wasn’t interested in smartwatches before due to all the compromises each one makes but their watches seem like they’re actually good from what I can tell.
Google rugpulls shit way too often for me to take the risk.
lmao didn’t even think to invert FireWire