Glad to create content with you. ;)
Glad to create content with you. ;)
Elsevier is one of the biggest publisher of scientific magazines. Scientists are supposed to publish in those to be taken seriously as a scientist.
Most scientists publish for free, do peer reviewing for free, whilst Elsevier asks big bucks from every academic institution for the right to access those articles.
So OP thought it’s an apt comparison to most YouTubers making content for almost free as YouTube profits from publishing it. I kind of agree.
It doesn’t, I’ve picked it exactly because it doesn’t need any internet connection
I just bought new ones, to be delivered tomorrow.
So i hope they aren’t much assholey yet.
You’re a penetration enthusiast?
You said ‘ignoring Occams razor’, as if that invalidates any hypothesis. And it doesn’t
However I have but that technicality to spell out, I’m not implying the truth of the matter either.
I’m just crusading about the misunderstanding of the use of Occams razor, I’m not trying to undermine your comment.
Well he has balls, as he managed to produce offspring, yet they are such that even his male offspring rejects the idea of balls altogether
Occam’s razor isn’t a rule. It’s specifically for proof of God in a medieval philosophy context and is the observation that if you need a very convoluted theory on which a much simpler hypothesis also fits, the simpler one is more likely.
However it doesn’t state that the simpler solution must be true.
It’s from valarin (Tolkien’s language of the Valar)
Akasan is ‘he says’
-z suffix is a person’s name
So it’s basically ‘Teller’ (I’d say storyteller) in valarin.
The ‘h’ was supposed to help in pronunciation, it only mildly does, I find
I’m not locked in here with you, your locked in here with me’ - Rorschach
Luckily not Andrew tate
Yeah I debated going with Göring, but I decided to pick the 'mouth of Sauron ’ angle. As Göring is also way more intelligent than Rogan… And a legit war vet.
It isn’t a Roman salute. It was a French painters idea of what the Romans did (based on absolutely nothing), which was appropriated by the fascist movement of Mussolini (who only dreamt of being Romans).
It’s blatantly wrong, and this is a purely fascist thing. They are the only ones in history every using the salute.
I honestly would like to know what that French painter would think about all this.
The first Diablo. He was the first boss. Very brutal and without tips on the internet not easy to get to know how to beat him.
Still gives me shivers hearing the sound queue
Bibi needs lebensraum
Rip. How a voice can be the face of a game