I was talking about Telegram. Syncing messages between devices has always been possible on Signal, just not the ones from before you connected the extra device.
I was talking about Telegram. Syncing messages between devices has always been possible on Signal, just not the ones from before you connected the extra device.
Additionally, E2E chats don’t sync between devices (and iirc you can’t use them on desktop at all), and group chats can’t be encrypted at all.
I’ll have to try on Linux but my portable disk is exFAT and I use it for Steam games on my MacBook (both native and Windows) with no issues. Though, that’s through the classic way of running Steam in Wine since there’s no Proton.
Maybe Steam tries to put the Proton prefixes on the drive along with the games and that’s the problem? Wine certainly does need symlink capable FS to work.
If there isn’t already, I’d report this on the Steam for Linux issue tracker (on GitHub for some reason).
video games in general rely on symlinks
No they don’t, any more than any other application. Video game files certainly don’t contain any symlinks usually.
On macOS, the correct thing to use is usually NSUserDefaults API, or - [NSFileManager URLsForDirectory:inDomains:]
with NSApplicationSupportDirectory (gives a list of paths to find your config file in, like XDG_CONFIG_DIRS)
They don’t want their network blocks reputation lowered because some idiot is sending spam mail or has an open relay. Apparently some will allow it on request.
Personally my mail server is on a Hetzner VPS.