LOTR. I don’t get how any entity would want to be whay Mordo represented, which to my limited understanding is an ackshual hellhole.
What gives?
As others have said I believe the meme didn’t originate in Russia, but was used disparagingly by its enemies. That said, a Russian author did write The Last Ringbearer, an alternative perspective on the events of LOTR:
Kirill Yeskov bases his novel on the premise that the Tolkien account is a “history written by the victors”.[1][2] Mordor is home to an “amazing city of alchemists and poets, mechanics and astronomers, philosophers and physicians, the heart of the only civilization in Middle-earth to bet on rational knowledge and bravely pitch its barely adolescent technology against ancient magic”, posing a threat to the war-mongering faction represented by Gandalf (whose attitude is described by Saruman as “crafting the Final Solution to the Mordorian problem”) and the Elves.[1]
Sounds familiar?
How would you personally respond to that or critique that characterization?
Is Mordor or its denizens actually more nuanced?
how any entity would want to be whay Mordo represented
I had not thought of Russia when I read that (a good while ago). Not even today’s Russia comes close.
I am interpreting Mordor as a fascist society. Power hungry leaders. Blind followers. Too many rules and commands. I can imagine some kinds of people enjoy that.
But everything you said about Mordor could apply to Russia.
Are you from there? Have you been there? Do you know people from there?
No, I’m from the Shire, and Mordor doesn’t exactly make conversation with us.
But I pay notice to the black smoke. To the Nazgul strikes and the fires of war. I can feel his dark eye watching us all from atop his wasteland tower, whispiering lies and doubt into innocent ears. I hear a poison tongue speaking wicked words into the ear of a decrepit leader, making him but a puppet. I see a war chief turn on his master in a bid for power, only to be cowed and granted a traitor’s reward.
I look to the east, and see Mordor.