• adarza@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    many wisconsin stations are downsizing and consolidating, closing local news operations and studios, etc. one ownership group (different than this one) is actually getting rid of local weather persons and outsourcing their weather to the weather channel or some bullshit like that. which will work real well when localized bad winter weather hits, or tornado/flood seasons.

    at any rate, this station (and others) are probably on the constant lookout for a reason… any reason… to shed someone from their staff, and if replaced–will replace for less money.

    • LillyPip@lemmy.ca
      1 month ago

      Joke’s on them. Project 2025 plans to dismantle NOAA and gut/privatise the National Weather Service.

      Who will pay for their weather forecasting once nobody will give them that data for free (under zero government funding)? They could just stop doing weather entirely, I guess, but millions of people rely on local weather reports to know whether to go to school or work. How do they plan to pay for that data?

      I can’t believe how short-sighted some CEOs and mgmt types insist on being.

      e: phrasing

    • DrFistington@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I interned in broadcast television while I was in college and man, what I learned was to stay the fuck away. Like 10-12 hour days driving all over getting stories, and everyone is paid absolute dick. I was interning for AV production, and the dude with me had done that job for like 25-30 years, and was making less than $15 an hour. The sterile processing tech job I had at the hospital that required a GED, paid more than they made, and I had better benefits. The straight up told me, damn dude if you’re working in that hospital, stay there that’s way better.