I moved from next cloud to syncthing some months back. I had nextcloud as an app for Truenas scale. Several times after app dates, next cloud would stop running and would have to setup up everything again.
Syncthing is OK but 2 things annoy me:
A. I get huge amounts of conflict file generated that use up space
B. File sharing with family is complicated. I tried to setup a share account that everyone uses but as syncthing works with device ids, it refuses two accounts from the same machine. I share my Linux laptop with my wife. We each have our own linux account. I’ve got syncthing running but can’t even get my wife’s account to sync because I get errors that device I’d already exists.
I don’t want to go back to next cloud just for file sharing. I don’t generally like the idea of relying on one service for multiple objectives (calendar, file sharing, etc.).
Is there a way to get syncthing to do what I want?
Maybe take a look at Owncloud’s new server. It’s supposed to be much faster and I imagine simpler as well.
I use syncthing like you on a Linux laptop with two users. You need to run two instances of syncthing on two different ports then there is no problem.
Dis is da wey
Just on point A. You can configure the maximum number of conflicts allowed for each folder.
I was running into conflicts with obsidian notes. Reduced the max conflicts on those folder to zero, problem gone.
It’s in the folder specific advanced settings.
Really helpful, thank.
You could even try next going to back cloud.