I continued playing through Pokemon Ultra Moon today. I made it all the way to the second island. I spent a lot of time systematically going through each route on the first island and clearing the dex of all the base forms i could find to help go towards my goal of a complete national dex in Pokemon Home, but overall today was very slow, so i didn’t do many screenshots.

I also managed to snag a Everstone for my Litten after spending an hour searching for a Roggenrola in a cave. According to the wiki they have a 50% chance to hold one. I didn’t have any open slots in my party to check though, so i just kept grabbing multiple after multiple. After all that work though i can safely say i kept my Litten from evolving.

I also revamped my party a bit. This probably won’t be my final layout, but i have Kiva (my Litten), Bill, a Hawlucha a traded a Spearow for (which feels like a little unfair towards the person i traded too), A Butterfree i evolved after catching it on Route 1 (Which i need to come up with a nickname for), Uncle Tony, and Ash’s Greninja from the Demo (which i’ll probably also swap out for someone else, they’re just kind of keeping the seat warm)

  • dormedas@lemmy.dormedas.com
    15 days ago

    I’m working my way up the generations and I need to replay Alola in the Ultra games since I only had Pokemon Sun before and had different livingdex rules when I played it. A bit unfortunate for time-sake, but I really liked the Alola games. Good luck on your dex!

    To add some naming inspiration, my friend and I like dumb nicknames like:

    Blingo Splorp Gunch Slizbop Boizo

    • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
      14 days ago

      I might steal this trend for Ultra Moon. I usually have a theme with my teams, but this team’s theme seems to be that there is no theme