fracking related?
No, it’s from disposal of the water that’s produced alongside the oil. When you inject water into deep formations, it causes earthquakes.
That’s a roundabout way of saying “yes, fracking”.
You wouldn’t need to dispose of the water this way if you weren’t fracking in the first place.
The problem is any oil and gas extraction. They all produce water that needs disposal, so anywhere you’re pulling oil out of the ground this is gonna be a problem (unless you’re in the middle of the ocean I guess).
Really depends on the reservoir and the amount of connate water. It’s not near as bad in South Texas around the eagle Ford just due to less water. The Delaware basin is a water field that makes some oil and gas too…
Eat shit Texas. Everything is bigger there, the assholes, the bigots, the willful ignorance… So on.
gee its like god is upset with them or the prominent political party of the state. /s
Fracking. You can always spot the fracking fields on USGS if you set it to 7 days, all quakes. Like this.
It’s the reason the Trump administration is fighting so hard against science. It’s blocks their ability to make money without consequences.
Where’s AVALANCHE when you need em?
Texas literally overwhelmingly voted for this
Until the USGS no longer exists.
It’ll exist as a data bundle you have to pay for like cable or internet. They’re going to monetize everything.
Just to mention, so people don’t think this damage will be reversed in 4 years. They’ll likely sell the rights to the data for a pittance after getting their own cut. The buyer will have a franchise to markup the data for 50 years.
Technically it’s from water disposal, not fracking. Still oilfield, but it’s not the fracking that causes it.
100% this. Although it’s a chicken egg situation. There wouldn’t be near as much produced water without fracing since the wells wouldn’t have been drilled in the first place so no need to dispose of produced water. The injection of produced water typically pressures up and lubricates existing fault planes causing them to slip.
Does Texas have earthquake safety standards in it’s building codes?
Don’t know if Texas has safety standards in it’s electrial grid let alone anything else.
West Texas is sparsely populated if I’m not mistaken.
Does that mean they deserve to die?
There have been no immediate reported deaths or injuries associated with the quakes.
There’s really not much there besides tumbleweeds and oil rigs
Almost certainly not
I’m just waiting for, “Every first born male killed in Texas.”
If God exists, I doubt even they’d have enough divine power to pull modern Republican’s heads out of their shameless asses.
"Antifa somehow made my first born drop dead as I was teaching him confederate histry! Then they turned all my guns to locusts! Then they replaced all the water in my pipes with blood! Then they used their Jewish space laser satellites to make that deafening ‘LOVE IMMIGRANTS AS YOU LOVE ME, REPENT!’ sound around the world!
Fucking leftists and their false flag attacks."
Maybe a HUUUGGGGEEEE sink hole will open up and texas will just disappear. This is what’s best for the planet.
As a Texan, I have to agree, it’d be for the best.
Look up the Wink sink, God has already tried lol
Gulf of Texas
Rural Texas.
Rural Texas… and Dallas.
Hey now, you can’t say that. Only Texans can say they hope an earthquake causes California to sink into the ocean.
Learn to swim, see you down in
ArizonaOklahoma Bay!
it’s a message from god that he is displeased with us.
(hey turnabout is fair play. if hurricanes and tornadoes are punishment for gays, porn, and sodomy this earthquake is punishment for electing the antichrist.)
Ah, Toyah is back in the news again. Wonder how this situation is doing now