Oh hey, I just listened to a thing about this!
Tap for spoiler
People who get up early tend to see the dress as white and gold, because their mind is used to resolving ambiguous colors using the context of early morning lighting.
People who stay up late tend to see it as blue and black (the true colors), because their mind is used to resolving ambiguous colors in the context of evening indoor lighting.
Yes we already know morning people are brain damaged
especially because they view getting up early as some sort of badge of honor, while everyone who dares to follow their own natural circadian rhythm is some lazy good-for-nothing. You’re not special for sleeping during a a different time of the day, get over yourself.
My gripe is that night owls are supposed to be quiet so we don’t disturb the morning larks’ slumber, but larks can be as loud as they want in the morning cuz they gotta wake themselves up, and they got places to be, and also fuck you for being so selfish sleeping in past 7:00.
I still have never been able to see white and gold
It definitely says yanny