I’m thinking about upgrading my W-Fi and I was curious what wireless access points (WAP) people are using. I’m currently using a Netgear R7800 running OpenWRT.

  • thelittleblackbird@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Fritzbox boxes.

    They tick all the checkboxes

    • good standards support (including dect protocol if you want to have an ip phone or even iot protocols)
    • fast wifi speeds
    • cheap (at least for the second hand in ebay)
    • super stable, never had a problem with them in 5 years or more
    • fast roaming support out of the box

    It is a well known brand in Germany but pretty unknown outside that country. Honestly it is the best bang for buck I was able to get.

    Honestly, I would spend 10 minutes checking on them

    • Elvith Ma'for@feddit.org
      3 months ago

      I really like them but they do have two downsides for “more advanced” users (or at least for me) - it is a home device as after all.

      1. No support for VLAN or VLAN tagging - you can set up you WiFi and a guest WiFi. You can also map the guest network to an Ethernet port. But that’s about it.
      2. There is no way to change the DNS suffix (*. fritz.box) to another value - I do own a domain that I use for the local services on my home server, etc. which then allows for Let’s Encrypt certificates, but I cannot use it “out of the box”.

      If you’re an advanced user, there’s plenty of ways around that, though. I just wished that these two thing were to exist in the firmware to have less work with my home infrastructure.

  • Pax@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Went all in with UniFi some time back. No regrets.

    Currently running a few U6s. No real motivation to upgrade to U7s.