
Representative Sarah McBride, the first out trans congresswoman, criticized Donald Trump’s executive order defining gender as strictly male or female.

McBride points out that biologically all embryos develop as female until the SRY gene activates weeks after conception.

The order, which ties gender to reproductive cells at conception, unintentionally categorizes all humans as female from conception based on biological facts.

McBride’s remarks highlight scientific flaws in the policy.

    9 days ago

    Not all cases make it up to SCOTUS. Massive numbers of suits are being filed right now, they can’t take them all up with just 9 justices. Many of these lawsuit are intentionally filed in places with more dem appointees on the district and appeals courts

    SCOTUS is insane, but they are also not in lock step with Trump. They have their own agenda that often align with Trump but not always. For instance, they just ruled 9-0 on the TikTok ban while Trump was calling for the courts to rule the opposite way

    We won’t we every fight, but there’s fights we can win. Use every tool we can against them